Yonge Eyes Optometry

Children’s Eye Exams in Toronto

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Give Your Child a Strong Start with Pediatric Eye Exams

The moment your child is born, they learn to interact with the world using their eyes. Your child’s eyes will undergo many astounding developmental changes as they learn the vital visual skills they’ll need as they grow.

If your child develops a vision problem or any of their visual skills are lacking, they could struggle academically, socially, or emotionally. Routine eye exams are the best way to protect your child’s eyes and ensure their vision won’t cause them to fall behind their peers.

Dr. Awadia and the staff at Yonge Eyes Optometry specialize in pediatric eye care. Voted as one of the top 3 pediatric optometrists in Toronto, Dr. Awadia has created a warm and whimsical Hogwarts-inspired environment to provide your child with a safe and exciting eye care experience.

Our primary goal is to ensure you and your child always feel comfortable and confident during the eye exam. We maintain clear communication so you always know what’s happening with your child’s eyes.

When to Have Your Child’s Eyes Examined

The Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) recommends that children undergo eye exams to match their visual milestones. During every exam, we’ll check your child’s visual development, assess their ocular health, and look for signs of childhood eye conditions.

Infants & Toddlers

When your child is between 6 and 9 months, they should receive their first eye exam. It is during these months that your child will gain muscle control and start developing hand-eye coordination. This first eye exam will also look for issues like turned eyes (strabismus), lazy eyes (amblyopia), high refractive errors (glasses), cataracts, and most importantly retinoblastoma.

Your child should receive at least one eye exam yearly between 2 and 5. These are incredibly formative years as learning and development are heavily tied to vision at these ages.

Before your child starts school, an eye exam will check that their eyes are developing properly and treat signs of vision problems that could affect them academically.

Your child will rely on their eyes more and more as they progress through school. As they’re in school, your child should have annual eye exams to monitor for changes to the vision, diagnose and correct refractive errors, and uncover potential eye diseases.

Children’s Visual Development and Learning

Nearly 25% of Canadian school-aged children have an undiagnosed vision problem. And because 80% of classroom learning is visual, a vision problem can significantly affect their school performance.

Strong visual skills are also necessary for sports and other activities, so a child with a vision problem can struggle while growing, learning, and playing. Many eye conditions respond well to treatment when they’re caught early.

But when vision problems go untreated, they can cause your child to:

  • Become frustrated with learning.
  • Learn at a slower rate than their peers.
  • Develop behaviour and discipline problems.
  • Gain a negative self-image.
  • Become a higher risk of dropping out of school.
  • Develop lifelong disadvantages.

Signs of A Vision Problem

Because children are constantly learning how to use their growing eyes, they may not always be aware they have a vision problem. While regular eye exams are the best tool in detecting a vision problem, you may also notice your child exhibiting the following signs that they need an eye exam:

  • A crossed or wandering eye
  • Frequent headaches
  • Red or watering eyes
  • Covering or closing one eye
  • Squinting
  • Excessive blinking
  • Often rubbing their eyes
  • Lack of interest in books or TV
  • Sitting too close to the TV or board at school
  • Omitting or confusing words while reading

Help your Child Develop a Love for Their Eyes

Our goal is to foster a strong bond with our littlest patients by creating a safe, engaging environment. Lifelong healthy eye habits and regular eye exams can help keep your child’s eyes happy, healthy, and strong well into the future.

Help protect your child’s eyes by booking them for regular pediatric eye exams with Dr. Awadia at Yonge Eyes Optometry.

Our Services

Where to Find Us

Our clinic is located on Yonge Street, right beside the Royal Bank. We’re on the second floor, so we are not wheelchair accessible at this time. But, if you have a stroller, please call ahead, and we would be happy to help you up the stairs.

Our Address

3220 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON M4N 2L2

Located in Yonge Lawrence Village

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*please call to confirm hours

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